Wednesday 13 August 2014

Wednesday links!

A roundup of some useful links and resources related to energy saving and the energy industry.

Energy Share

A website dedicated to making energy less boring, with guides, news, videos and infographics - more info here.

Ozo Share

A social network dedicated to environmental and energy issues - think Facebook with a green angle. More here.

Ontario Completely Off Coal

The Canadian province of Ontario has closed it's last coal power plant, as reported by ecogeek.

More handy links

Facts about cavity wall insulation

If your house was built in the mid-20th century, it may have empty cavity walls. If you don't get them insulated, you could throwing away as much as £250 per year, according to data from the Energy Saving Trust. Luckily, cavity wall insulated can be retro-fitted. The process is simple and only takes a couple of hours - the installer will drill a few small holes in your walls, pump in the insulation, and seal up the holes when they're finished. Your walls will retain more heat and you will be able to turn town the thermostat.

If you are unsure whether you have cavity walls there is a great guide called How do I know if I have cavity walls?

Your free insulation is paid for using government ECO funding so it won't cost you a penny! - the cost is covered by one of the major energy suppliers. It's a win-win situation!